Tech »  Topic »  Yet another hacker group demands ransom from Change Healthcare

Yet another hacker group demands ransom from Change Healthcare

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Change Healthcare’s ransomware fiasco is constantly going from bad to worse, as now a new threat actor has emerged with ransom demands in exchange for the stolen data.

Roughly a month and a half after initially detecting an attack, a different threat actor going by RansomHub is claiming to own the stolen data, and is asking Change Healthcare for more money. If the company doesn’t follow through, it will sell it to the highest bidder.

According to Wired, which saw screenshots of the database, confirming the authenticity of the database is difficult, but it all points to the data being authentic. The RansomHub threat actor is apparently associated with an individual going by “Notchy”, who was the one to originally get duped by ALPHV.

RansomHub emerges

In late February 2024, the firm, arguably one of the biggest health tech companies in the United States, suffered ...

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