Tech »  Topic »  How MobileX Could Help You Save on Your Cellphone Bill

How MobileX Could Help You Save on Your Cellphone Bill

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Smartphones are essential to our lives. According to a report by the Pew Research Center, 97% of Americans now have a smartphone. We use phones to check email, call or text family and friends, scroll social media and even do our jobs.

But all this activity involves using a lot of data which can be increasingly expensive. A report from the third-party bill payment service Doxo last year found that the average US cellphone bill is $1,342 per year. One solution to reduce your bill is to switch to a prepaid service that gives you the power to only pay for data you actually use.

MobileX is a new wireless service available exclusively at Walmart that leverages AI to provide consumers with hyper-personalized service and avoid unnecessary charges. MobileX offers a variety of plans to fit an array of budgets and data uses, with service starting ...

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