Tech »  Topic »  Cisco Duo Data Breach: Hackers Stolen VoIP & SMS for MFA

Cisco Duo Data Breach: Hackers Stolen VoIP & SMS for MFA

Cisco’s Duo Security, a leading multi-factor authentication (MFA) service, has suffered a significant data breach.

The April 1, 2024, incident involved unauthorized access to telephony data used for MFA purposes.

The breach was produced through a sophisticated phishing attack that compromised a telephony provider’s employee credentials.

The attackers exploited this access to download a set of MFA SMS message logs associated with Duo accounts.

These logs contained sensitive information, including phone numbers, carriers, and the geographical location of the messages sent between March 1, 2024, and March 31, 2024.

Although the message content was not accessed, the breach still poses a significant privacy concern for users.

The exposed metadata could potentially be used for targeted phishing campaigns or to undermine the integrity of MFA systems by intercepting or redirecting messages.

Security Measures

Upon discovering the breach, the telephony provider, whose identity has not been disclosed, took immediate action ...

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