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IT and security Leaders Feel Ill-Equipped to Handle Emerging Threats: New Survey

A comprehensive survey conducted by Keeper Security, in partnership with TrendCandy Research, has shed light on the growing concerns within the cybersecurity community.

The survey, which gathered insights from over 800 IT and security executives globally, reveals a stark reality: 92% of respondents have observed a surge in cyber-attacks compared to the previous year.

The complexity and frequency of these attacks are putting unprecedented pressure on organizations, with a significant 73% having suffered monetary losses due to cyber incidents.

Vulnerable Sectors Under Siege

Cybercriminals are not indiscriminate in their targets. The survey identifies IT services, financial operations, and supply chain management as the most frequently attacked sectors within organizations.

The hospitality/travel, manufacturing, and financial services industries are also facing weekly and monthly attacks, with ransomware and phishing topping the list of concerns.

Industries at Risk

The New Wave of Sophisticated Attacks

The findings from Keeper Security’s survey highlight ...

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