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Unfading Sea Haze APT Targeting South China Sea Governments

Bitdefender Exposes Unfading Sea Haze's Advanced Cyberespionage Tactics Prajeet Nair (@prajeetspeaks) • May 22, 2024

A view of the South China Sea (Image: Shutterstock)

A previously undetected, suspected Chinese-state threat actor has been targeting governments in the South China Sea for years with a remote access Trojan that has been a favorite of Chinese hackers since its creation almost two decades ago.

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Security researches from Bitdefender said Wednesday the threat actor it dubs Unfading Sea Haze doesn't appear to be a previously known Beijing threat actor - although it does show signs of a Chinese origin.

The most obvious indicator are the targets, since China has for decades aggressively moved to dominate the South China Sea past internationally recognized boundaries. The group has a consistent focus on espionage. The attackers employ keyloggers, browser data stealers and other custom ...

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