Tech »  Topic »  Paleblue Earth batteries eliminate the one big pain point of rechargeables

Paleblue Earth batteries eliminate the one big pain point of rechargeables

(Image credit: Paleblue Earth)

Batteries are ubiquitous – in one form or another, they're powering a lot of our wireless tech. That also means we're throwing out a lot of batteries once they've been drained, which isn't doing our environment any favors.

Many of us have opted for rechargeable batteries to power some of our devices, from TV remotes and flashlights, even some toys. Not enough of us, though. According to data published in 2018, only about 30% of Americans had adopted rechargeable batteries by then. It's a similar situation in Australia, with only 30% of the batteries purchased being the rechargeable kind. And less than 2% of these are the popular AA and AAA sizes.

One company trying to ensure the number of batteries we throw out diminishes as much as possible is Paleblue Earth. Based out of Park City, Utah, the company's aim ...

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