Tech »  Topic »  Nintendo emulator Delta lands on the Apple App Store, now the top free app

Nintendo emulator Delta lands on the Apple App Store, now the top free app

What just happened? Apple has finally got around to approving Delta, an all-in-one emulator supporting several vintage Nintendo platforms. Delta is the successor to GBA4iOS, an open-source Game Boy Advance emulator from Riley Testut. If that name sounds familiar, it's likely because the developer was a key player tied to a Game Boy app that was recently added to – then pulled from – the App Store under Apple's recently revised emulator policy.

According to Testut, iGBA was a knockoff of GBA4iOS, which he developed while still in high school. Testut expressed frustration that Apple approved the clone (despite it being filled with ads and trackers) while his own app had been stuck in the approval process for well over a month.

Apple has since rectified the issue, yanking iGBA from the App Store. Delta, meanwhile, has now been approved and is available to download.

The emulator's App Store ...

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