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Hydration Guide: Your Daily Water Intake Needs Explained

There are no hard and fast rules for daily water intake, but there are some helpful rules of thumb. Getty Images

Are you drinking eight glasses of water every day? Should you? It's important to make sure you drink enough water, especially if you live in extreme heat conditions. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, spikes in blood pressure and irregular heart rate. But the rules of hydration are surprisingly slippery. 

There's a lot of advice out there about how much water you should drink, who needs the most and how to know if you're dehydrated. In this article, you'll learn the true recommended intake for water, plus several factors that influence your hydration needs.

Read more: The Best Reusable Water Bottles

How much water you should drink each day

It's usually not a bad idea to sip on some water. Getty ImagesIt's usually ...
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