Tech »  Topic »  How MHR keeps a tight grip on its sales performance figures as a data-driven business

How MHR keeps a tight grip on its sales performance figures as a data-driven business

UK-based MHR already provides HR and payroll systems support to over half the local councils in Britain, but has ambitious growth plans, as Tim Lancelot, Head of Sales Enablement, explains:

For our business to grow, we had to diversify into other territories, such as the US. That growth strategy meant things that had worked well for several years needed to change.

That meant looking again at the sales performance tools the firm had in place, he adds:

The technology we provided to customers was cutting-edge, but the technology we used to govern ourselves as a sales organization was lagging behind.”

Forecasting predictions were often made on spreadsheets passed to senior management. This time-consuming process constrained visibility. MHR wanted to deploy an easy-to-use solution that integrated tightly with Salesforce technology. After an evaluation process, they selected Clari’s Revenue Platform offering which was implemented in 2022. It’s provided clear benefits ...

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