Tech »  Topic »  Google's Gemini Nano AI Model Will Come to the Pixel 8 After All

Google's Gemini Nano AI Model Will Come to the Pixel 8 After All

Many of today's smartphones have AI-optimized processing hardware inside, but there are precious few ways to take advantage of it. Most of the fancy new generative AI features companies like Samsung and Google have added to their phones reach out to powerful cloud servers to run AI workloads, but Pixel 8 owners will soon have a new option. Google has announced that its mobile-friendly Gemini Nano model will soon launch on the Pixel 8, joining the Pixel 8 Pro, which got Gemini Nano late last year.

Gemini is Google's new branding for all its large language model (LLM) technology. The model comes in several different sizes. There's Nano, which can run on smartphones, the middle-of-the-road Pro version, and the server-optimized Gemini Ultra. Google recently updated Gemini Pro to v1.5, which it claims is the most capable AI model in operation. Even though Gemini Ultra is larger ...

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