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Coding for a Greener Tomorrow: Developer Sustainability Week Takes Center Stage

The search for sustainable technology solutions has become a growing concern for developers. In support of this effort, the Cisco DevNet team is hosting Developer Sustainability Week, an online event that coincides with the celebration of Earth Day. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a tech enthusiast eager to contribute to a greener planet, this is your chance to be part of the change.

Developers are playing a major role in crafting solutions that not only drive innovation but also foster environmental responsibility. As Cisco continues to emphasize sustainability in its product offerings and operations, developers have a unique opportunity to contribute to these efforts through energy-conscious programming and responsible coding practices.

The developer’s role in a greener future

Developers can optimize software for Cisco devices to reduce their energy consumption. By writing efficient code, developers can minimize the processing power required to perform tasks, thereby lowering the ...

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