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Apple Tests Coating to Reduce Lens Flare on iPhone 16

Apple is purportedly testing a new coating that could reduce lens flare and ghosting on the iPhone 16, according to yeux1122.


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Apple is reportedly testing camera lenses with a new coating technology for application in the next iPhone Pro model.

*Introduction of additional new equipment for ALD atomic layer deposition (ALD)

This is expected to improve photo shooting quality, including reducing lens flare.


Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is a thin-film deposition technique that allows for the precise application of materials at the atomic scale. Think of it like spray painting, but on a super precise level where you can control exactly how much paint goes on, down to the single atom layer.

ALD can be used to create highly effective anti-reflective coatings. These coatings reduce the reflections from the surface of the lens elements, minimizing the stray light that can cause flare and ...

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