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A Beginner’s Guide to C# Selenium Automation: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Are you interested in learning more about C# automation but need help determining where to begin? Do not be alarmed! In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll walk you through starting from scratch with C# automation. After completing this course, you’ll have a strong basis for effectively automating activities with C#.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before we begin coding, let’s ensure that you have the necessary tools set up on your system. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Visual Studio: Download and install Visual Studio (Community), Microsoft’s integrated development environment (IDE), which provides a comprehensive set of tools for building C# applications. You can download Visual Studio from the official Microsoft website. Visual Studio
  • .NET Framework or .NET Core: Depending on your project requirements, you’ll need either the .NET Framework or .NET Core installed. These frameworks provide the runtime and libraries necessary to run ...

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