Master Manipulators: 5 Behaviors to Watch Out For
hackernoon.comManipulators are hard to spot because with the intention to cheat and deceive, they use tricks that are meant to influence, exploit, and control you. You are inherently programmed to respond to reciprocation, you may not even realize when this tendency is exploited by manipulators to accomplish a hidden agenda.
You will come across people at work with ill-intention—those who try to take advantage of you by acting as a victim and manipulating you into doing things that serve their interests while being harmful to your mental health and personal well-being.
They will trick you into doing their work for them.
They will deceive you by telling stories that aren’t true.
They will make you doubt, judge, and question your abilities.
Manipulators are hard to spot because, with the intention to cheat and deceive, they use tricks that ...
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