Tech »  Topic »  Linux Foundation brings together top browser makers for more "open" approach

Linux Foundation brings together top browser makers for more "open" approach

(Image credit: Monticello / Shutterstock)
  • The Linux Foundation launches new initiative to look after Chromium browsers
  • It’s meant to give a “neutral space” for developers to contribute without barriers
  • Google, Meta, Microsoft and Opera have already joined

The Linux Foundation has declared its support for open-source Chromium-based browsers with the launch of a new initiative.

The ‘Supporters of Chromium-Based Bowsers’ program is designed to help support open source contributions and improve the sustainability of Chromium projects to “drive technological advancement.”

Its goal is to create a “neutral space” where industry leaders, academia, developers, and the broader open source community can come together to contribute to open-source browsers without barriers.

Supporters of Chromium-Based Browsers

“This project will provide much-needed funding and development support for open development of projects within the Chromium ecosystem," Linux Foundation Executive Director Jim Zemlin commented.

Google, Meta, Microsoft and Opera have already committed to supporting the initiative ...

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