GeForce RTX 5090 Cards Are Already Being Scalped On Ebay For As Much As $7,000
As we stated in our GeForce RTX 5090 review, NVIDIA's new flagship graphics card for gamers is "unchallenged at the top of the consumer GPU market," even if the biggest performance gains over the GeForce RTX 4090 come from AI-assisted technologies. The argument over rasterized rendering versus upscaling tech like DLSS is a whole separate debate. What's not debatable, however, is nobody should be feeding scalpers the ridiculously inflated prices they're seeking on eBay before the card is even available to purchase.

Being relegated to shopping for a GeForce RTX 5090 on eBay should be one of the circle's of Hell in Dante's "Inferno" with scalpers looking to burn a scorching hole through buyers' pockets. So far, the highest-priced listing we've seen is an ASUS ROG Astral GeForce RTX 5090 with am ambitious $7,000 'Buy It Now' price. That's an egregious 250 ...
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