Explore the key content detection technologies needed in a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) product developers need to focus on to develop a first-class solution.
dzone.com - iotHaving worked with enterprise customers for a decade, I still see potential gaps in data protection. This article addresses the key content detection technologies needed in a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) product that developers need to focus on while developing a first-class solution. First, let’s look at a brief overview of the functionalities of a DLP product before diving into detection.
Functionalities of a Data Loss Prevention Product
The primary functionalities of a DLP product are policy enforcement, data monitoring, sensitive data loss prevention, and incident remediation. Policy enforcement allows security administrators to create policies and apply them to specific channels or enforcement points. These enforcement points include email, network traffic interceptors, endpoints (including BYOD), cloud applications, and data storage repositories. Sensitive data monitoring focuses on protecting critical data from leaking out of the organization's control, ensuring business continuity. Incident remediation may involve restoring data with proper access ...
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