Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition and Age of Mythology: Retold are coming to PS5 this year
- Microsoft is bringing two games from its Age of Empires franchise to PS5 this year
- Age of Mythology: Retold and its new expansion Immortal Pillars arrives on March 4
- Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition is expected to release this Spring
Microsoft has announced that it's bringing Age of Mythology: Retold and Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition to PlayStation 5 this year.
The real-time strategy games are the latest Xbox-exclusive titles to make the jump to PlayStation amid Microsoft's multi-platform push, starting with Age of Mythology: Retold, which is launching on March 4, along with the upcoming Immortal Pillars expansion pack.
Players can now pre-order the Age of Mythology: Retold Premium Edition for five days of early access starting February 27 and access to Immortal Pillars. Another PS5 pre-order bonus will also reward two exclusive Blessings for the Arena of the Gods mode ...
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